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Full Moon

Erinbell was my first ever yoga teacher and I am SO happy that she was. Her teaching style is one of 'grace and acceptance'. She to me epitomized detachment from ego. Her quiet passion and care inspired me to continue on this life changing yogic path.  

- Jackie Fitzpatrick


Erinbell motiviert und unterstützt ohne Drück aufzubauen.  Egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener, sie geht auf jeden ein.  Ich fühle mich total wohl in ihrem Kurs und kann Kraft tanken für den Alltag.

- Jeannette Koltzsche


Thank you for a fantastic holiday! You made it very special and I was totally relaxed. My boyfriend was very jealous when I told him all about it so you may see us again!

- Penny Clark


Erinbell lächelt über das ganze Gesicht und hat eine herrlich positive Ausstrahlung. Sie hat eine angenehme Stimme, was natürlich bei Yoga sehr von Vorteil ist. Nach ihrer Yogastunde fühle ich mich durch und durch entspannt, glücklich und geschätzte 3cm länger. Die Übungen sind nicht zu anstrengend und die Positionen werden nicht so lange gehalten, dass die Muskeln anfangen zu zittern. Aber Achtung, Muskelkater hatte ich am nächsten Tag trotzdem.  

- Svenja G. (Yelp)


 Erinbell took our Vinyasa Flow Yoga Foundation course in 2006/07. We found her to be an eager and diligent student of the practice. Erinbell showed an enthusiasm to learn and understand the journey towards the Self. She completed the course with very high marks in the coursework and it was clear that she had integrated the theory and practice of yoga  into her daily life. In order for us to teach a subject of such depth like yoga it is important to embody it and Erinbell does that sincerely. We wish her well in the continued practice and study of this sacred art.

-  David Curtis (



Just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful week.  I  really enjoyed learning the yoga, probably because you were such a fantastic  teacher. And you'll be very pleased to know that I've been doing my sun salutations  almost every morning so far.

- Sarah


I just wanted to say how much I appreciated all your efforts last week. As a teacher you were committed, clear, confidence-inspiring. As group leader you were warm, energetic and great fun.

- Amy Rowan



Erinbell, thank you for my first and great intro to yoga.  You were one of the most remarkable empathetic teachers (of anything) i've every had. 

- Soni Diamond


- Alyana Cazalet

English Yoga in Berlin, Yin Yoga in friedenau, HATHA Yoga in kreuzberg, Yin & YANG Yoga in steglitz, English Yoga Retreats in Germany,   english  Yoga holidays,  yoga dvd,  yoga films,  private classes

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